Nancy Drew was a 13-episode television series produced by Nelvana Limited and Marathon Productions S.A. in association with Westcom Entertainment Group Ltd. and France 2. Developed for television by Laura Phillips, the series starred Tracy Ryan as Nancy Drew, Jhene Erwin as Bess, and Joy Tanner as George. Patrick Loubert, Michael Hirsh, Pascal Breton, and Olivier Bremond were the executive producers, Patrick Loubert and Michael Klein the producers.
Season 1 (13 episodes, 1995)
S1E01: “Welcome to the Callisto” (Written by Laura Phillips; Directed by Alex Chapple) (23 September 1995)
S1E02: “Happy Birthday, Nancy” (Story by Laura Phillips; Teleplay by Renata Bright; Directed by Jon Cassar) (30 September 1995)
S1E03: “Exile” (Written by Laura Phillips; Directed by Jon Cassar) (7 October 1995)
S1E04: “Asylum” (Story by Dennise Fordham & Nadine Van Der Velde; Teleplay by Renata Bright; Directed by Don McCutcheon) (14 October 1995)
S1E05: “The Ballad of Robin Hood” (Written by Dennise Fordham; Directed by Stacey Stewart Curtis) (21 October 1995)
S1E06: “Bridal Arrangements” (Story by Anna Rehak & Nadine Van Der Velde; Teleplay by Nadine Van Der Velde; Directed by Eleanore Lindo) (28 October 1995)
S1E07: “The Death and Life of Billy Feral” (Written by Laura Phillips; Directed by Bruce McDonald) (4 November 1995)
S1E08: “Double Suspicion” (Written by Dawn Ritchie; Directed by Jon Cassar) (11 November 1995)
S1E09: “The Stranger by the Road” (Written by Elizabeth Baxter; Directed by Jon Cassar) (18 November 1995)
S1E10: “Photo Finish” (Written by Lawrence Shore & Jonathan Levine; Directed by Don McCutcheon) (25 November 1995)
S1E11: “Who’s Hot, Who’s Not” (Written by Laura Phillips; Directed by Alex Chapple) (2 December 1995)
S1E12: “Fashion Victim” (Written Elizabeth Baxter; Directed by Don McCutcheon) (9 December 1995)
S1E13: “The Long Journey Home” (Written by Jeffrey Frohner; Directed by Ron Oliver) (16 December 1995)