The Hardy Boys was a 13-episode television series produced by Nelvana Limited and Marathon Productions S.A. in association with Westcom Entertainment Group Ltd. and France 2. Developed for television by David Cole, the series starred Paul Popowich as Joe and Colin Gray as Frank. Patrick Loubert, Michael Hirsh, Pascal Breton, and Olivier Bremond were the executive producers, Patrick Loubert and Michael Klein the producers.
Season 1 (13 episodes, 1995)
S1E01: “All That Glitters” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Jon Cassar) (23 September 1995)
S1E02: “Jazzman” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Jon Cassar) (30 September 1995)
S1E03: “A Perfect Stranger” (Written by David Barlow; Directed by Don McCutcheon) (7 October 1995)
S1E04: “Say Cheese” (Written by Bill Taub; Directed by Clay Borris) (14 October 1995)
S1E05: “Smart Drugs, Stupid Mistakes” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Jon Cassar) (21 October 1995)
S1E06: “Telling Lies” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Ron Oliver) (28 October 1995)
S1E07: “The Debt Collectors” (Written by Renata Bright; Directed by Don McCutcheon) (4 November 1995)
S1E08: “The Curse” (Written by David Shore; Directed by Ron Oliver) (11 November 1995)
S1E09: “R.I.P.” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Clay Borris) (18 November 1995)
S1E10: “Play Ball” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Don McCutcheon) (25 November 1995)
S1E11: “Lovebirds” (Written by David Cole; Directed by Eleanore Lindo) (2 December 1995)
S1E12: “The Last Laugh” (Written by Jeffrey Frohner; Directed by Jon Cassar) (9 December 1995)
1S1E13: “No Dice” (Written by Jeffrey Frohner; Directed by Ron Oliver) (16 December 1995)