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Review of The Blythes Are Quoted in Swedish publication

Margareta Sörenson’s review of The Blythes Are Quoted appears in Kultur, a Swedish magazine. Google’s translation allows us to get the gist of it, although I suspect some nuances are missing:

Now it has been too long and owls in my wardrobe. And there is an explanation. The Blythe are quoted – the rediscovered work load of LM Montgomery, 500 pages heavy, is a book receives. Man throws himself not happy over yet another story about some aging contained a juvenile love and finally tie hymens bands. Although Benjamin Lefebvre made an honest research with old leaf manuscript is honorable and an afterword.

But as Anne of Green Gables author has written many interesting, and when I heard about the last book she wrote would actually come out in the original version, I bought it, unsuspecting.

The nine books about Anne was not written in chronological order, but it was on request from publishers suite was filled in later. Anne of Singles Side, for example, in the middle of the line, was first written in 1939, 31 years after the first book. The day before his death in 1942, which is now open suspect was a suicide, Lucy Maud Montgomery left the manuscript to The Blythe are quoted for a publisher, who also gave it out, but in abbreviated and stripped version.

No wonder there. Never again will I sigh and complain to the processed versions. Here are interspersed namely idylliserande stories from Prince Edward Island on Canada’s east coast south of sentimental poems signed Anne Blythe, namely the novel character who married Anne. Some of the poems are fiction written by Walther Blythe, one of Anne and Gilbert’s sons, who died in WWI.

The stories follow a pattern of stubborn people return to childhood places and old flirtations. Even for an Avonlea enthusiast quickly becomes an overdose and poetry sections of the short stories are even worse. The only redeeming with Blythe family is that there is a housekeeper named Susan Baker, a SAVAGE and earthy Linus-Ida with the salty comments.

With Montgomery’s unhappy life, which will fund The Blythe are quoted above all a sad reflection of her own dreams of the perfect marriage in an idyllic village in sentimental moonshine. A refreshing rereading of the first part of Anne of Green Gables might help.


  1. Sean Somers

    “Now it has been too long and owls in my wardrobe”

    Hahah! Google Translator once again produces inimitable poetry: it’s like the first line of Dylan Thomas riff.

  2. Benjamin

    You mean that’s not a popular Swedish expression?? How odd. Presumably too the original doesn’t actually refer to Susan Baker as a “savage.” I’ll see if I can find someone who can give me a more accurate translation.

  3. Vappu Kannas

    Google translator gives odd enough results sometimes/usually. Ask Åsa or Stefan to translate this!

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